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MBABANE – The emergence of COVID-19 was not all doom and gloom for 36-year-old Gugu Dlamini of Ezulwini at Ebuka.

The global spread of this virus had detrimental effects on humanity as millions of people lost their jobs, dived deep into poverty, while others suffered health complications and over one million lots their lives to the merciless pandemic that threatened to wipe out humanity from the face of the earth.

In the middle of all this commotion and havoc, some people lost focus of their own lives as some gave in to bad habits which swallowed them up like an island of quick sand. A lot of sports men lost motivation and inspiration as the shutdown of sporting activities and recreational facilities that were used for training seized to operate, for at least five months. Some gained weight, lost fitness and watched their dreams disappear into the horizon with each day that passed. 

Instead of whining about what was lost and how the virus had robbed off humanity, the bliss of what life used to be, Dlamini made the most of her time in lockdown to rewrite her life story and became the best version of herself. 


Five months ago, she could barely run or do any form of intensive physical activity because her body size was so heavy and infringed her mobility and agility freedom. She was not a fan of body weight scales, but measured her body using clothing. One day she tried on a new t-shirt, but was disappointed with the outcome. It squeezed her so tight that that the sagging bundles of fat around her mid-section made her look like she had been coiled by a python. The strings of her bra were sunk in so deep into her back fat, slicing through her skin and caused discomfort which she endured throughout the day and could only sigh in relieve when she took it off after hours at home. It was torturous and she knew that she had to lose the extra weight. 


Her life’s transformation all started with a morning walk up the Mdzimba Mountain to the peak of Stone Free Lodge. Gradually, she built up strength which allowed her to run at least 10 kilometers every day. Research has it that the body can achieve anything, but it is only the mind that needs to be convinced. Hard work, dedication, consistency and sacrifice is all it took for her to lose the extra weight. She has gone from wearing size 38 to 34 in only five months. Pay attention because her story could be the awakening that you may need to redefine and design your own fate. You can do it too. This is what Dlamini had to share and hope to inspire and motivate others to make healthy life choices with long term benefits:


Name: Gugu Dlamini (36 years old from Ezulwini-Ebuka)

When did you start focusing on training and what was the motivation behind?

I started exercising in May 2020. On that fateful day I tried on my medium size t-shirt which I had bought just before the lockdown and was amazed that I had to now squeeze myself to fit in it. 

I am not a scale person, but my tummy had bulged out like a balloon and my back muffined up such that it sank my bra. Looking through the t-shirt I had something like four ‘humps’ on my back. It was a horrible feeling and it drained my self-esteem.

What was the biggest challenge that you faced when you stared on your weight-loss and fitness path?

One challenge was that in May it was cold so, leaving the warmth and comfort of my blankets in the morning was a nightmare and my weight was a discouragement on its own. Each time my mind came up with an excuse, why I should not wake up, I reminded myself why I started the journey in the first place then I pushed myself out of bed to the road.

How long and how often do you exercise?

I am an early bird. I leave the house around 5:30am for jogging and walking. I come back home by 7am. It’s about 100 meters distance from my home to the main road.  I use that stretch to warm-up before I tackle the about six kilometres steep and meandering route from the main road to Stone Free.

Do you have any idea how much you weighed back then?

I am not a scale person. My goal is to be much leaner and my body parts more defined. I want to fit well in dress size 32 by December this year.

What nutritional changes have you made since you adopted the health and fitness lifestyle?

I have reduced my intake of carbohydrates and I don’t eat anything after 4pm until 6am the next day.

What is your personal slogan that keeps you motivated?

My life is my responsibility.

What advice can you share with people that are struggling to lose weight?

My advice would be that when it comes to weight loss, it all starts in the kitchen. Training should come second. That will depend on your mindset and you should be talking to yourself all the time to avoid eating unnecessarily. So choose wisely on what you eat and the body will be channelled by your choices.

How has your life changed now that you exercise daily and eat healthy?

My life has changed a lot. I’m loving the energy I now have and am getting my confidence back. I now have a good relationship with food, best sleep ever, mind clarity and my mood is always at its best. My training routine has also become more easy and enjoyable now.

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