MBABANE – The country’s failure to host international football games under the auspices of CAF and FIFA is becoming too costly.
The country had already spent over E300 000 in stadia rentals as the national team, Sihlangu, now hosts its games away from home in South Africa. This is according to the Ministry of Sports, Culture and Youth Affairs’ First Quarter Performance Report for the financial year 2022/ 23. The expenditure in stadia rentals comes after the Confederation of African Football (CAF) and the Football International Federation Association (FIFA) banned the country from hosting international games due to poor venue facilities being Somhlolo National Stadium and Mavuso Sports Centre. The national team, Sihlangu, and teams competing in CAF inter-club tournaments will continue to host their games outside the country.
Meanwhile, E1 055 065 was spent on travelling expenses for the national teams and assisting the clubs that played in the CAF inter-clubs competitions.
According to the report, expenses including accommodation, meals, medical expenses and allowances stood just over E1.5 million. “Expenses amounting to E2 903 610 have been incurred, however, in the period under review owing to the above mentioned activities already implemented,” reads part of the report. The report is still a subject for discussion in the House of Assembly with the Sports, Culture and Youth Affairs Minister, Harries ‘Madze’ Bulunga, set to give written responses in the august House.
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