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MANZINI – Royal Leopard Coach Edwin Matsebula says the 5-1 win over Seven Dreams will boost the players’ confidence levels.

He made these comments during a post-match interview after seeing his side return to their winning ways at the expense of the Zwelibanzi ‘Bhotsotso’ Khoza’s charges. The game was played at Mavuso Sports Centre on Saturday. The police ensemble had gone two games without a win, after playing to a goalless draw against Tambankulu Callies last weekend and losing 3-2 against Mbabane Highlanders two weeks ago.

“I think it was a morale booster to the players. The confidence was low in the players. However, I would not want to judge their performance against a lowly-ranked side,” said Matsebula. Asked about the absence of Mzwandile Mabelesa and Thami Zulu, he said in defence he was trying to rotate the team. “I’m giving others time to shine; I am resting some of these players,” he responded.

He also said he was impressed with Muzi ‘Mzoro’ Dlamini, who had been scoring of late. He scored a brace against Highlanders and netted the first goal in their 5-1 win over Seven Dreams. The opposition coach’s Zwelibandzi ‘Bhotsotso’ Khoza said they played a better team. “They were better opponents. I feel we could have played better if we didn’t miss three of our key players. The deal is that when you play the police side, you do not field players that they loaned to you,” said Khoza. He said that was the reason they did not field Barry Steenkamp, Sifiso ‘Sushi’ Nkambule and Mxolisi ‘General’ Lukhele. He also thanked Mbabane Highlanders for giving them Mancoba Malindzisa. He said all the new players would add value to the team. He said all was not lost. “We will do better when we play against teams that are equal in value,” he said.

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