Home | Sports | ‘D4D’ BOOST FOR MAMBA


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MBABANE - Green Mamba have received a major boost ahead of their game against Manzini Wanderers.

Midfielder Njabulo ‘D4D’ Ndlovu was out for almost three months after he suffered a knee injury during their game against Denver Sundowns.  
The Correctional Services outfit suffered their third loss of the season and further lost their defensive midfielder Ndlovu. It was a double blow for Mamba on the December 10, 2022, as they lost 2-1.


News coming from the green and white ensemble is that the player has fully recovered and will be available for their weekend clash against relegation-threatened Wanderers, at the Prince of Wales Sports Ground on Saturday. This was confirmed by the team’s Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Mandla Sibiya yesterday. “Ndlovu is back from injury. He will be available in our next game,” said Sibiya. The game is slated for Saturday at Prince of Wales Sports Ground. Kick-off is at 3pm. The Ernest Mavuso-led charges are currently leading the chasing pack with 37 points after 16 games.

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