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MANZINI – KFC Eswatini Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Nigel England was left impressed with the talent displayed during the KFC soccer tournament at Manzini Club yesterday.

The games and drum majorettes which are sponsored to the tune of E825 000 were part of the Scara Thindwa Foundation Sponsorship which was announced by the company CEO at Mountain View International Hotel. The games came at a time when KFC was celebrating its 40th anniversary in the country; the first restaurant was opened in Manzini in 1983 and now KFC has 11 branches around the country. The CEO said he was left impressed with the immense talent that he witnessed as the game progressed yesterday afternoon.

“Every team is very enthusiastic and it shows that they came prepared for the game. The drum majorettes have been superb too. I can see some talent in the young players; I really hope there are scouts in the games because many of the players have what it takes to play for clubs beyond the borders of Eswatini. We are looking forward to the finals next week and overall the guys are playing a very good standard of soccer,” he said.

Meanwhile, Sindiswa Zwane, who is the Scara Thindwa Foundation Project Administration was left impressed with the attendance in the games.
“As a foundation we are very happy and honoured to be a part of such a tournament, which is uplifting the schools .The attendance is an encouragement to the other pupils who are getting support from their friends, which is refreshing to see,” she said.


Zwane went on to thank KFC for sponsoring the whole tournament, which she said was vital in refreshing their minds while also learning.The Scara Thindwa Foundation, founded by former national team Sihlangu and South Africa’s Kaizer Chiefs legendary forward Absalom ‘Scara’ Thindwa, has over five years working with schools sports in the country. However, COVID-19 struck after the 2019 launch and the tournaments had to be halted. The finals of the tournament will take place next week Friday in the same venue.

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