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MBABANE – Opportunities outside the country’s borders are opening up for local elite players.

This comes after South Africa’s DStv Premiership side Royal AM, which is owned by flamboyant businesswoman Shauwn ‘MaMkhize’ Mkhize, shows more interest in the services of local footballers. In the past week, ‘Thwihli Thwahla’, as the Durban-based side is fondly known in football circles, invited Green Mamba’s Mxolisi ‘Kudus’ Mkhonto for assessment.
The championship-winning Green Mamba and national team Sihlangu midfielder has reportedly impressed during his three-day assessment. The player was given a programme to follow by the team, which finished the 2022/23 DStv Premiership season on the 11th spot with 35 points from 30 games.


The ‘MaMkhize’-owned side is also reported to be interested in the services of three Mbabane Highlanders players. This was posted on Inkunzi’emnyama’s official Facebook page, that Royal AM are interested in bringing the players for assessment ahead of the new season. The three players, who are set to join the Durban-based side, are lanky midfielder in former Moneni Pirates grafter Mpendulo Tfomo, national team Sihlangu attacking midfielder Philani Mkhonto and South Africa-born winger Kenneth Moloto. Interestingly enough, Philani is a younger brother to Mxolisi, who impressed the team during his three-day stay. Highlanders Managing Director (MD) Chief Ally Kgomongwe also confirmed to this publication that he was in constant contact with his counterpart at Royal AM ‘MaMkhize’ on the possibilities of taking the players for assessment in South Africa. “It is one of our objectives to produce quality players, who will make the grade internationally. Yes it’s true that I am in contact with ‘MaMkhize’ to facilitate a good deal for the players,” Kgomongwe said.

Meanwhile, the black and white capital city giants’ Public Relations Officer (PRO) Kenneth Dlamini said he was not sure when the players would leave for the assessment. He, however, highlighted that they would wait for a correspondence from the South African team. Should the move eventually materialise for the Highlanders players, as well as that of Inyoka Eluhlazane’s Mxolisi, they would add to the two international Eswatini stars plying their trade outside the country. The two are former Young Buffaloes and current Sihlangu Captain Lindo Mkhonta, who plays for Zambian top side ZESCO United and newly-signed DStv Premiership outfit Richards Bay FC winger Justice ‘Figa’ Figuareido. No immediate comment could be reached from Royal AM, as Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Richard Makhoba did not reply to a WhatsApp message sent to him by the time this report was compiled.

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