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Sunday greetings! The Yellow Epilepsy Half Marathon took centre stage yesterday.

We were impressed with the turnout from athletes. Both social and professional runners turned up in numbers to sweat it out under the blazing hot conditions. It always gives us pleasure to see our people participating in sports and any form of physical activity. Congratulations are in order to the organisers of the annual race and indeed to every athlete that took part. We are fresh from hosting our first Shukuma of the year. The Manzini South Inkhundla did it with aplomb and really set the bar of what is to come this year. The next stop will be the Dvokodveni Inkhundla. We can assure you that this one will be bigger and better. Our Shukuma has evolved to become a premium platform for mass public engagement. It gives our partners the perfect opportunity to propagate their message to a larger audience than they would normally attract.

Of course, our mass participation flagship programme attracts the numbers. Averagely, be assured of at least 1 000 people in every outing. Which other platform would give you that?
It should be clear, however, just like we have always been saying that Shukuma is not our only programme. We run a number of programmes including Disability Sport, Women in Sport and the National Sports Awards, to mention just a few. The National Sports Awards is the ultimate reward programme for all sport practitioners in the land. Like all of our programmes, it does not discriminate. It rewards accordingly. From athletes, administrators, coaches to sports journalists, everyone stands to be rewarded. Most will recall that we hosted our National Sports Awards last year at the Happy Valley Hotel. As expected, it was a glitzy affair. Our people can expect better this time. That is why we are still extending our invitation to corporates to come partner with us.

Corporates should come on board

The National Sports Awards obviously present another glorious opportunity for the business sector to once again partner with the ESRC. We did mention above that Shukuma is not our only programme, which should be a plus for those companies that want to partner with our winning team. The National Sports Awards present another glorious opportunity for companies to come on board and join hands with our organisation. There are so many categories to choose from. We are yet to officially release the categories which will be rewarded and of course the finer details. We are nevertheless alerting our partners, business associates and our National Sports Associations to get ready. It’s their chance as well to shine. It is true that we cannot all excel on the field. Others must take care of the administrative and business side of things. That is just how dynamic sports is. Until next week, sports for all; sport for life!

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