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MBABANE – The Minister of Sports, Culture and Youth Affairs, Bongani Nzima, will be expected to provide answers regarding reports of instability in some sporting codes.

This is according to a notice paper released yesterday for the House of Assembly. Mbabane East Member of Parliament (MP) Welcome Dlamini will ask the minister to move a motion calling for the establishment of a seven-member select committee to investigate the Eswatini Sports and Recreation Council’s (ESRC) role and the compliance of associations as outlined in the recognition rules.

“More than half of the Board members have resigned, leaving the association unable to form a quorum for any meetings. The association has failed to call a meeting to fill the vacant positions, but the remaining two members have co-opted new members,” highlighted the MP in reference to Eswatini Athletics (AE), Notably, AE co-opted Royal Eswatini Sugar Corporation (RESCorp) Secretary General (SG) Sifiso Mkoko as Vice-President and Correctional Services Athletics Club’s Treasurer Ncobile Dlamini was appointed as the Gender and Equality Officer, in July. In the notice paper, MP Dlamini also put Eswatini Boxing Association (EBA) in the spotlight. He said three members of the EBA executive board resigned without any replacements.


The MP identified the need for answers on the use of funds in the association, noting that meetings are scarce. However, EBA is expected to soon stage an elective General Assembly.
The MP said the committee must compile and table a report of their findings within 14 days of passing of this motion by the House. Dlamini is expected to be seconded by Nhlambeni MP Manzi Zwane. Another motion that will be moved by the Mbabane East MP touches on the Ministry of Sports, Culture and Youth Affairs in addressing perennial underperformance at international athletics events.

“To move that the Minister of Sports, Culture and Youth Affairs informs this Honourable House about plans that are in place to curb the country’s continued reputation of being perennial underperformers at international athletics events such as the Olympic Games, World Athletics Championships and other Continental and Regional competitions. “The honourable minister should table a report within seven days after the adoption of the motion by the House,” the motion reads. Meanwhile, Mtfongwaneni MP Nathi Hlophe wishes to know about measures taken by the ministry to align the business sector with sports in the country.

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