MBABANE – Do you believe in ghosts?
A mother’s desperate search for answers has turned into a chilling ordeal for her family in Msahweni, a community near Matsamo. What began as behavioural issues with her 13-year-old son, *Jama has escalated into claims of ghostly harassment, forcing the boy to abandon school. In her own words, Jackie said; “my son is haunted by a ghost”. *Jackie, the mother of Jama, said life had become a nightmare for her child and other members of the family. Jama is said to have been in the centre of unexplained occurrences that have left their home in disarray and the family in fear.
Speaking about the strange occurrences, Jackie said the ghost throws stones at them, leaves human waste on their beds, overturns pots with cooked food and even turns everything inside the house into a mess. She said she saw stones fly through the air without any visible source, targeting family members while lights flicker on and off without human interference.
In one of the instances, the ghost is even said to have picked a piece of paper and scribbled some words. In the scribbled words, the words, “utakufa Jama”, meaning, ‘Jama will die’. Also, Jama, said at some point, a voice, which he believes is the ghost’s told him that he should jump from a high place and fall on pieces of metal to see if he would survive. He further said he was also given a rope to hang himself so that he could die. Jackie said the supposed supernatural disturbances have now taken a more sinister turn, with a voice, which allegedly spoke through Jama, revealing itself as ‘Japan’. Jama said the voice told him that though its name is Japan, it is not from the country with the same name but from a local area in northern Hhohho.
Jama’s ordeal began with what appeared to be typical adolescent misbehaviour. According to his mother, she noticed that her son was becoming increasingly defiant and inattentive. Despite attempts at disciplining her son, including seeking intervention from the police and community leaders, nothing changed. When his unusual troubles started, Jama is said to have been attending a nearby primary school as a Grade VI pupil. Unusual behaviour is said to have been exhibited while at school, leaving some teachers puzzled as to what was going on with the boy.
Jama himself, reported how he would enter a trance-like state, only to awaken and find he had written nonsensical answers. Narrating the events, Jama said it was as if some force took over his hand and wrote wrong answers so that he could fail. The situation is said to have worsened in September 2024, when Jama left school entirely. He claimed his books were being mysteriously snatched from him and thrown into a nearby river by some unseen force which he referred to as a ghost.Attempts to return him to school failed as the strange occurrences continued to escalate. Jama’s mother said she believes these events may be linked to the recent death of her 18-month-old daughter. The infant’s untimely passing, coupled with the onset of Jama’s behaviour, has led the family to suspect a deeper, spiritual cause.
“We feel like we are being punished or haunted for something we do not understand,” Jackie said. A cousin to Jama, who lives in the same house, also narrated his version of supernatural occurrences. *Jim, a Grade VII pupil in one of the schools in northern Hhohho, said his cousin sometimes transforms into someone with super strength. He says he is stronger and older than him, but when the ghost takes over, he becomes stronger than him.
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