MBABANE - Nsingizini Hotspurs star Thubelihle Mavuso has reportedly rejected a move to Betway Premiership side Magesi FC. The Sihlangu winger impressed the Owen da Gama-led technical team during an assessment a week ago and was anticipated to return to South Africa for further evaluation. However, a source close to the Shiselweni-based outfit revealed that Mavuso has decided to to remain with Nsingizini Yezulu.“He should have gone to South Africa again this past Monday, but he is still here preparing for our next game,” the source disclosed.
The source further indicated that Mavuso cited an unsuitable environment at Magesi as the reason for his decision. The Ludzeludze-born player was viewed as a potential key asset to assist Dikwena tsa Meetse, as Magesi are fondly known in football circles, in escaping the relegation zone. The club recently released seven players in an attempt to strengthen their squad and avoid relegation. Nsingizini Hotspurs’ Public Relations Officer (PRO) Sibusiso ‘Mnotfo’ Dlamini confirmed that Mavuso has not returned to Magesi.
“What I can say is that Thube is busy with the team preparing for our next league game,” stated the former Red Rhinos’ chief executive officer (CEO). Attempts to reach Mavuso’s agent, Mhlonishwa Shiba from KYRO Sports Academy for comments, were unsuccessful, as he did not respond to WhatsApp messages. It is worth mentioning that Dikwena tsa Meetse currently perilously occupy the bottom of the 16-team Betway Premiership log, with seven points to show for their efforts in 13 games.
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