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Every long journey begins with one step

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Welcome to our first edition of our new column; ‘The Professional Warriors’.

This column will concentrate on promoting and marketing all the full contact sports practiced in Swaziland. We will focus on understanding each style and how each style could be enhanced for the benefit of the different organisations or artists.

We will definitely work hand in hand with all the different styles and artists. The word impossible does not exist in this column. The only thing impossible is just the word impossible and nothing else beyond that term.

We too can promote the professional warriors, irrespective of their different styles, beliefs and fighting techniques.
What Joyous Celebration does in the Gospel music arena, we too can do under The Professional Warriors Column.


Imagine attending a very big gala to witness all the different artists showcasing their different skills; the likes of Boxing, Kick boxing, Taekwondo, Karate, Judo, Wrestling, etc. I can’t wait to see that happen. It’s like a big mall with all the best food outlets. The choice is yours. That is what we dream off in this column. We will never rest until such a scene comes to reality. We hope the business community and the movie makers will help us organise that event. Is it a trade fair of artist or it will be termed a martial artist show? I don’t know, but the very same artists will help us. We definitely need such a festival. 

Where Are The Ninjas?

Once upon a time, during the 80’s and early 90’s we once had ninjas in Swaziland, Mbabane to be specific. Are they still around? If yes, are they registered and affiliating to a particular organisation or it was just a lethal experiment? We only see ninjas in the movies and nowhere else.  Is Ninjitsu a professional art? Ninjitsu is the ancient art of the ninja shadow warriors of Japan.

Name Your Style

Martial arts are codified systems and traditions of combat practices, which are practiced for a variety of reasons: Self defence, competition, physical health and fitness, entertainment, as well as mental, physical and spiritual development.
Boxing, kick boxing, judo, karate, etc are all part of martial arts. All these styles have something in common; they are all professional styles where pain brings joy and victory.

Why Promote These
Different Styles?

In other countries, sport is life and not a hobby. It is a career and a very sound career.
Why not then rally behind these different styles and improve the lives of the different artists? This column is just about that; to give support to all the different styles and artists in Swaziland.
Our goal is to ensure that all the styles and the different artists are better off and further put Swaziland in the map, at all times. Who can help us compile a seasonal magazine of all these styles and artist? Come on Swaziland, we can do it!

Latest Updates

Through this weekly column, you will also get the latest updates from the different styles; updates in terms of upcoming tournaments, meetings and announcements, etc. 
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