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Lington, ‘Ice’ clash On radio Sports Show

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image Manzini Wanderers PRO Lington Gule.

MBABANE- Manzini Wanderers PRO Lington Gule directed heated words at his Midas City colleague Isaiah ‘Ice’ Dlamini on national radio yesterday.

This transpired during the popular Sports Show radio programme hosted by Moses Matsebula on Mondays and Fridays. The pair turned the national radio into a ‘war zone’ following comments made by Dlamini last Friday after Wanderers crashed out of  the Charity Cup in  the 0-1 loss to Royal Leopard the previous night. There were also ugly scenes of violence on the night.

Dlamini had condemned the violence and further likened the eliminated teams to the rest of the sides that did not qualify for the tournament.
The comments did not go well with Gule who voiced out his anger in yesterday’s programme. He told Dlamini that the statement could haunt him for the rest of his life, much to the surprise of the programme host.

Interviewed later Gule reiterated his words, saying he was trying to bring his counterpart to order.
“Dlamini tends to be personal at times, making provocative statements. I will not tolerate that,” he said.

The Midas City spokesperson said he was not irked by the outbursts, saying he was only making a statement for the betterment of the number one sport.
“I was trying to help. There is no bad blood between us. We’re just trying to promote the game and our respective teams,” he said.
Gule once caused a stir during the voting exercise over a month ago when he told fans working at security forces sides to vote for teams closer to their hearts. The comments annoyed the forces teams’ representatives.


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