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Welcome back ‘Pupu’, ‘Papi’

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Siyakudvumisa Thixo siyakuvuma ukuba unguJehova.
Life is a series of natural and spontaneous changes. Do not resist them, that only creates sorrow. Let things flow naturally forward in whatever way because how far you go in life depends on your being tender with the young, compassionate with the aged, sympathetic with the striving and tolerant of the weak and strong. This is because someday in your life you will have gone through all those stages. Sivusele Maweseli.

All the teams in the world  when you look at their shirts you will see a name accompanied by a logo of a certain sponsor like Adidas, Nike, Puma, Umbro etc. Manzini Wanderers have our very own Wanderville. Some say it is a no name, some are happy about it while some just don’t care as long as they are wearing the colours of their beautiful Liweseli.

All the household names that some people brag about today started somewhere infact they were not known at some point. Let me give you a brief history of the famous Adidas sportswear that so many people are fond of today.  Adidas was founded in 1948 by Adolf ‘Adi’ Dassler following the split of Gebruder Dassler Schuhfabric between him and his older brother Rudolf ‘Rudi’ Dassler, who went in to form Puma in 1949. In fact it all started when Christoph Von Willen Dassler a father of the two, who was a worker in a shoe factory, while his wife Pauline ran a small laundry in the Bavarian town of Herzogenaurach in Nuremberg. After leaving school, their son Rudolf joined his father in the shoe factory. When he returned from World War 1 Rudolf received a management position in a porcelain factory.

Adolf “ Adi” Dassler started to produce his own sports shoes in his mother’s wash kitchen. In July 1924 his brother joined him in the business and it became Dassler brothers shoe factory. By the 1936 summer Olympic games, Adi Dassler drove to the Olympic games with a suitcase full of spikes and persuaded Jesse Owens, a US sprinter to use them. That was the first sponsorship for an African American. Owen went on to win four gold medals and his success cemented the good reputation of Dassler shoes among the  world’s most famous sportsmen. Business boomed and the Dasslers were selling more than 200 000 pairs of shoes each year.  That is how Adidas came about.

Nike was founded by Philip Knight who was an athlete and his coach Bill Bowerman in January 1964. Ortis Davis who won two gold medals at the 1960 summer Olympic games used the first pair of Nike shoes which were modified in 1964, as they say the rest is history as Nike is a house hold name now. Back home to our very own Wanderville which belongs to us Manzini Wanderers Football Club. Having tried to explain where some of the famous brands came about it propels me to quote Martin Luther King Junior who said, “A million miles journey begins with a first step”.

Wanderville is not foreign hence I call upon all Weslians to support it. It is time we pride ourselves with our own. Let us get the Replicas both Maroon and white, the hats, scarves and maybe later shirts and suites shall be introduced in the meantime let us gladly wear Wanderville. At some point even the government was calling for every Swazi to support products made by Swazis during the buy Swazi campaign. Maweseli we are all clad in our Wanderville branded replicas believe me we shall look wonderful Wanderers wanderville indeed.

‘Papi’, ‘Pupu’ return

By now you are all aware that the Management of the team after a lengthy and fruitful discussion with Papi, Pupu together with their father they were recalled from the transfer list.
 The whole family should welcome the boys home. Remember in life we all make mistakes, the boys and the team did, but we need to move forward.

Holding onto the past will not help us instead it will rob us of the so many opportunities that lies ahead.
Now that they are back home let us love them, care for them, support them and most of all show them the way. Not only the two but this we need to do to all our players. Papi and you Pupu, this is a place you can call home and at home some days are good and some are bad.


This Saturday Maweseli we shall all come together and deliberate on some of the issues we have in the family. All I can ask from all of us is respect Maweseli. Now we need to give each other the space to grow, to be ourselves, to exercise our adversity. We need to give each other the space so that we may both receive beautiful ideas, openness, dignity, joy and healing.

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