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Ndlazi appointed into SAFA Technical team

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MANZINI – Manzini Wanderers’ South African coach Kenny Ndlazi has been appointed into the South African Football Association (SAFA) Technical Committee.

The highly-rated coach in SA announced yesterday after he was officially introduced to the team’s supporters during a meeting at the Bosco Skills Centre yesterday afternoon. Ndlazi has just acquired the CAF A License. “I have received a letter from SAFA appointing me into their Technical Committee which to as a coach is a big thing,” he said.

He said the club need not worry as the appointment would not have any bad impact on his duties as the club’s coach since the Committee only meets once in a while.
However, while he has this appointment, there is also a trip to Brazil for him in October. “I’m also due for a Full-Batch Coaching Course in Brazil which will last 21 days in October till September,” he said.

As the supporters worried how the club would cope in his absence, he said currently efforts to have the course postponed to next year were still being made by his manager.
He explained that the course was worth E60 000 and he was funded for it to join 17 other coaches from the world. “Five of us are from Africa while the rest are from elsewhere in the world but I’m trying everything possible to have it postponed,” he said.

Meanwhile, the coach told the supporters that he was now adamant that he had a strong team that was ready to compete this season.
The fans did not have much to complain about as they got all the answers they wanted from the club’s Managing Director Mduduzi ‘Tsotsi’ Mabila and MC Chairman Sydney Nxumalo.

However, they had asked for the harmonising of the team’s structures from the patrons, elderly, directors, supporters and Management Committee (MC).

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