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Hail to visioncare and mice

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Visioncare Optometrists and Multimedia International Consulting Editors (MICE) have proven to be entities worthy of absolute praise as they have both sponsored Mbabane Cricket Club with training equipment worth E10 000.

Visioncare and MICE have been sponsoring the team for the past two years with transport fare to games, helping the players accomplish finance requiring emergencies and other sundry expenses the team faced. They continue to do so and play an integral part towards the success of the team and evidently the two teams borne by Mbabane Cricket are resoundingly successful locally, MICE St Mark’s and Visioncare Cricket Club.

The heart of the matter
After the team realised what caused them not to improve their cricket proficiently, they decided to get to the bottom of the matter and scout for tools to alleviate the set back. Visioncare and MICE then generously contributed financially to assist in securing the equipment necessary. Among the equipment are agility hurdles, agility ladders, cones, speed-enhancing parachutes, medicine balls, bowling machine balls, pop-up goals, spring stumps, a katchet, a skyer bat and many more.

The training equipment helps the players improve their agility, balance, co-ordination and speed traits. Possessing these attributes composes one to be an excellent and a desirable athlete and we people tend to forget that for one to be a versatile player one has to be an athlete first. As the saying goes in the cricket fraternity, it’s easier to make a cricketer from an athlete.

Join the club

With all the training equipment Mbabane Cricket Club have secured we are certain that cricket will improve exceptionally around the city, as a pilot centre, for more people are encouraged to join the team no matter what age group they are in. The prime objective is to spread the game to all corners of the country and everyone interested.
Mbabane Cricket Club is an open sports organisation, it currently holds its cricketing lessons at Mbabane Country Club and St Marks sports field.
It is an academy in the making and run by Delisa Malinga. It serves to promote cricket in the country and importantly models cricketers and teaches the antiquities of cricket, the spirit of cricket, decency, morals and respect amongst other things.

Entities are urged

Visioncare Optometrists and Multimedia International have set the tone and are urging companies to join hands in seeing the game prosper in the country with financial assistance amongst other things. There are quite a number of cricket teams in the country also and contributions and sponsorships will be duly noted. Visioncare and MICE with their contribution have played a phenomenal role in moulding excellent cricketers and the future looks very bright. We therefore humbly thank the entities for supporting the beautiful game and may God bless them in their business endeavours and bangadzinwa nangemuso.  
For comments please contact Delisa Malinga at 76511101 or send to delisabalans@gmail.com or the Sports Editor, Lwazi Dlamini, at sports@times.co.sz


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