Home | Sports | ‘Bulls’ Jean Nguimbous enjoys life in Bahrain

‘Bulls’ Jean Nguimbous enjoys life in Bahrain

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MBABANE – It seems Mbabane Highlanders left back Jean Nguimbous is enjoying life in Bahrain if his recent posts on social networks are anything to go by.

The versatile defender left the country about a fortnight ago for a month long trial in the small island country situated near the western shores of the Persian Gulf. Reports suggest the player is doing well so far at his unnamed club.

The player’s profile on popular social networking site Facebook, is also abuzz with updates, especially pictures of training sessions at the country. In one of the posts, he posted his picture in the dressing room with an unidentified teammate.

Efforts to get comments on his progress were fruitless as he was yet to respond to a message sent to him late last night. The trials, which could change the life of the newly-wed forever, were reportedly arranged by his agent identified as Sasa Bogecevic. He walked down the aisle with his love Yih Yih Nguimbous at Manzini Club last month.

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