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We respect Umbelebele but not scared

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Siyakudvumisa Thixo siyakuvuma ukuba ungu Jehova. In spite of all unseasonable wind, snow and unexpected weather of all sorts, a gardener still planted and tends what they have planted believing that spring will come. In everything that happens in life all Weslians shall never stop believing that the good times shall surely come.

Once you have seen the truth you must make the decision to let go of the pain, anger and resentment you have been holding onto. This requires you to take action. If you are attached to your pain, resentment, and self righteousness and addicted to your emotional reactions, this will be a difficult step for you.

Taking actions requires letting go of the very thing you have been holding on for so many years. There is comfort in what we find familiar, even if we are experiencing pain and suffering. The pain and suffering itself becomes the familiarity we seek.
 It takes absolute faith in yourself plus courage, will and discipline to let go. But once you let go, it will be as if the weight of the world has been taken off your shoulders. In this process it is important to forgive not just the others in our lives, but also ourselves. For most people, giving ourselves the gift of forgiveness is very challenging.

This weekend, Saturday to be precise the family of the late Julius ‘Mainline’ Dlamini will have a service where they will be celebrating and commemorating the life of Dlamini. This is one man who served this family with distinction both as a player and as a manager. All Weslians are invited to attend this service which shall be held at Sankolweni in Sigombeni.

I am also aware that this family has lost a vibrant supporter in Thwali ‘Mpuzi’ Shabangu under Nhlangano branch. He will be laid to rest in Mkhitsini on Saturday. On the same spirit, all members of the family around that area should make sure that they attend. I have been reliably informed that ‘Mpuzi’ was always present in our games no matter how far and what time the team plays he was ever present.
Like I said earlier the best thing we can do for all our fallen heroes and heroines is to let them go. It will bring them joy and happiness to know that we always remember them. We cherished every moment we spent with them and now it’s time to let them go and they shall go in peace. May the Spirit of the Lord be with them.

Trade Fair Cup

Once again we would like to applaud the Swaziland Posts and Telecommunications for being the true friend of football that they are. At a time where sponsors are seldom seen in our game, they have been giving us hope that indeed, every storm shall cease.

The draw for this tournament was conducted yesterday at Sigwaca house and as per the draw, we shall have a date with newly promoted Umbelebele Jomo Cosmos. We do respect the ‘Kasi Boys’ but we shall welcome them accordingly to the Premier League by thrashing them real hard.

This is a tournament that shall be played at night at the Mavuso Sports Centre and it comes at a time where the country is having the Swaziland International Trade Fair, with this in mind I kindly ask all ‘Weslians’ to behave during the tournament. By now I’m sure you are all aware that they are people who rejoice when we are called names or when we are involved in unsporting behavior. I sincerely ask of all of us to shame the devil by being in our best behavior for the duration of the tournament.

Team news

The technical team led by Kenny ‘The Special One’ Ndlazi is working hard in preparation for the game against Umbelebele and the boys have never been so hungry for silverware than they are now. All they need is to see their wonderful family behind them at the stadium.
As you might have seen from the very same publication yesterday our goalkeeper Xolani Mngometulu will be out of action for some time as he is nursing an injury. The team will do everything in helping the player to get back to his best. As a team we understand that at some point players will make mistakes and because we love them, we want them to be responsible men we shall always help them to make the right choices. May the Heavens smile upon you.

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