Home | Sports | Mandla Mahewu E55 000 double dose for HRFA

Mandla Mahewu E55 000 double dose for HRFA

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MBABANE – The Hhohho Regional Football Association (HRFA) last night launched the E55 000 sponsorship from Mandla Mahewu.   The sponsorship was launched at Sigwaca House Conference Room.

The sponsorship covers, three leagues which are the Mbabane Promotion League, B Division League and the juniors league.
Mandla Mahewu was represented by David Litchfield at the event who said their sponsorship was part of the company’s cooperative and social responsibility.

He said they were happy as a company to partner with the HRFA on this initiative of taking the youth away from bad habits.
“Through these games the youth is kept busy and have less time to be engaged in bad social habits. I am inviting first division and premier league teams to come watch the games as they may get good quality players,” he said.


HRFA Chairman Comfort Shongwe thanked the company for the sponsorship which dates back three years.

“We are very happy with the contribution made by the company in developing the sport in the region. And also not forgetting the team for their cooperation in making the league games violence free and a success,” he said.

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