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Greetings maHighlanders…many questions have been asked and with no clear answer forthcoming with regard to the top team that went ploughing or farming in the training grounds somewhere around Matsapha in the past week.

Mbabane Highlanders naturally and understandably being one of the top teams in the country, perhaps, our supporters would, however, want to know whether Highlanders was the implicated team or was it some other side. To our knowledge, boMagebhula, our great and respectable team Inkunzemnyama would never stoop so low and engage in farming activities on any football field.

While perhaps, if media reports are anything to go by, some teams embark on ploughing or farming other’s training fields, our team will embark on vigorous training and hard work. We are in a mission to revive the glory days that the team enjoyed in the 80s, back in those memorable days when inkunzemnyama was also known as the money devils due to their penchant for always laying their hands on the first prize in any major tournament, watch this space.

Down Memory lane

Much of the younger generation of our supporters is probably not aware that in the early 80s, the team was actually not much referred to as ‘the Black Bull’ but rather Highlanders were nicknamed ‘the money devils’ because of the manner in which the Highlanders side of the 80s was so dominant that the team would literally sweep all the available stakes.

So dominant was the team such that it would take something special to deny them the first prize whether in the league or in cup competitions.
It really seemed like the team was literally drawn to the first position in any competition they competed in domestically which probably resulted in them being nicknamed ‘Money devils’.

Over the years though, the acronym ‘Black Bull’ grew in stature to a point where the song ‘Gwaza Nkunzemnyama’ has probably become synonymous with the team, perhaps to a limited measure, in a manner similar to how ‘you will never walk alone’ has become synonymous with the ‘Reds of Anfield’.


We will not rest until we lift the trophy and the mission is possible, siyashisasibabule. Inspite of the leading position, in the league, we still have to work harder and take every game as it comes. 
Our game against Mvuma Hot Spurs over the past weekend at Rocklands Sports Ground, attracted massive interest, following the previous clash in the first round of the league between the two teams, wherein our team managed to escape through the eye of a niddle.
This time around our boys went to the game with a winning mentality and they were neither scared nor shaken, hence we managed to beat our Mvuma 2-0.

The first goal was scored by the firebrand ‘Fash’ Ndzimandze in the first half of the game.
The second goal came in the second half and it was a hard ground shot from captain ‘Chocco’ Sibandze. It was indeed entertaining to watch our boys display what they know best.
However, we can’t wait for the games against Tambuti FC in the league and also the much awaited and talked about clash against Moneni Pirates in the SwaziBank Cup. Sekunjalo Iyohlala igwaza inkunzi, washa Thu!!!

SItali Mulife Saga

Special thanks boMagebhula goes to the team’s boss ‘Rubber’ Simelane who did the unthinkable, the wonderful thing ever by settling the debt that was threatening the ‘Bull’ for quite some time. We can now breathe a sigh of relief, in that, the team has escaped the wrath of FIFA after the MD settled the E19 500 debt with the ex-Highlanders and Zambian goalkeeper Sitali Mulife. However, this issue was a thorn in the flesh, in that, the team faced an imminent fine and ban by FIFA as the Football Association of Zambia (FAZ) was about to hand the case over to FIFA.
The MD’s passion for the team was tested, and he proved to all that he has the team at heart, considering the fact that this mess was inherited from the previous but competent MC. Siyabonga Mnguni!


The marketing team would like to pass their sincere thanks and appreciation to all the Highlanders fans who attended the supporters meeting at Hlatikhulu Club last week Thursday. The meeting was a success. Your support and commitment towards the activities of the team is indeed inspiring and will not go unnoticed boMagebhula by all who love the big team Inkunzi not haters. We can now safely say united we stand but divided we fall. Let us be found united in purpose and create an enabling environment for all potential supporters, sponsors and friends to come and support the team. Let us not allow the enemy to crawl into the ‘Bull’s kraal. Let us all speak well of one another and show love and respect for all people especially the supporters of the big team Highlanders natiwangenhloniphobo-Magebhula asiyibambe khona lapho.

The past weekend was filled with sorrows and joys of life, we were invited to a wedding at eSitjeni where Sabelo Kunene a son of an ex-player of Mbabane Highlanders Puma Kunene was tying the knot with Temaswati Zwane, and the presence of our supporters was felt, and that proved that we are one and we live as a family united in love. For that we say thank you boMagebhula for your attendance and keep up the spirit. And lastly, we would like to also thank all those who attended the funeral of Gcina Methula one of the great supporters of inkunzemnyama, who always was present whenever the team had games or activities. We are saying to you boMagebhula ningadzinwa God will richly bless you for standing with the Methula family during this trying and hard times.

Account Number

The team opened a bank account to enable friends and supporters of the team to financially participate in making sure that the team rises beyond limitations and becomes the best in the country with classic followers. To all those who are willing to participate can use the following account no; 62433089473, GwazaNkunzi @ FNB.or contact the Marketing Manager Mr Khumalo on 76765151 or email khumalotee@gmail.com

Next game

The table toppers, the city giants, the classy boys, sigebhugebhu sabafazi namadoda, sibabule, magebhula lomnyama lowagebhula umuti wendvodza wawushiya nesipalaha!!
We invite you all to come clad in the team’s black and white colours of the ‘Bull’, when we face but to destroy Tambuti FC on Sunday at 3pm at Mayaluka Sports Ground in Big Bend. The unstoppable ‘Bull’ will be collecting yet another three points. Happy people and happy nation! Till next week Gwaza Nkunzemnyama!

Comments (4 posted):

Mehlwengwadla Nkonyane on 05/03/2014 09:19:52
ggwaza nkunzi our own swazi madrid with bo swallows our own mamelodi sundownz i like u guyz i wish i could sponsor u too send me your details or call me at +277603388948
Nyakane on 05/03/2014 11:24:17
Gwazaaa!!! Nkunz'emnyama
Banele Dlamini on 05/03/2014 22:33:37
Mbabane highlanders I love you with all my heart. Gwaza Nkunzi !!!!!
Thokozani Nkambule on 06/03/2014 05:12:22
Siyabonga bomagebhula kusilungisela le team yetfu lebeseyifile besesesaba nekutibita ngayo sesiyinhlekisa eveni,nakumanje sibabule siyabahashulabantfu gwaza nkundzi

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