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SwaziBank CUP MC

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(At Somhlolo National Stadium)

LOBAMBA – Disaster struck yesterday at the Somhlolo National Stadium when the SwaziBank Cup quarterfinal clash between Mbabane Swallows and Midas Mbabane City was abandoned in extra time due to non-functional lights.
The worst part of it all is that the SwaziBank Cup Management Committee (MC) had been notified in a letter from the Ministry of Sports, Culture and Youth Affairs which came through the National Football Association of Swaziland (NFAS) to the effect that night games were suspended until March 31.

Ironically, the SwaziBank Cup’s Management Committee (MC) is made up of both the PLS and the NFAS but went ahead to fixture the games at 2pm and 4pm yet they were aware of the directive. Since the tournament has reached the quarterfinal stage, extra time was always a possibility in the case of a draw in regular time. “Some work is being done at the stadium by a contractor who will only avail the lights on March 31, something the PLS knew very well as we communicated it to the FA to pass to them. This is not the ministry’s fault because we advised them to reschedule their games a bit earlier in the day as there were no lights,” said Director of Sports Sipho Magagula from the Sports Ministry. He said it was well known that at this stage extra time was a possibility hence they should have adjusted the starting times. He envisaged that the same could happen even in today’s games as they also start at 2 and 4pm respectively.

“Usually the lights are on and then switch off during games but in this case they were never on which explains our advice to the PLS that night games would not be possible until March 31,” Magagula said.
The score had been 1-all in regular time but after two minutes in extra time the referee Simanga Nhleko stopped the match, communicated with the other match officials including Match Commissioner Dumisani Hadebe, after which they called off the match. PLS COO and SwaziBank Cup MC’s Secretary John Mazibuko also confirmed they were aware of the lights unavailability.

“It wasn’t a surprise to us but at times you keep your fingers crossed. It doesn’t get that far and we hadn’t anticipated the games could reach that stage,” Mazibuko said. He suggested that they took a risk as they had a letter informing them of the lights problem.

“It’s an eye opener and we have to learn from it. We’re so sorry to the fans and supporters but the match will be rescheduled probably for midweek,” he said.
He said they were currently trying to check if Mavuso Sports Centre could host the game. Asked if today’s fixtures stand as they are or will be adjusted, he said nothing would change but in case of a repeat of yesterday’s incident the MC will release a fixture.

Neither team’s spokespersons could be reached as their cellphones rang unanswered when sought. Meanwhile, in today’s games Moneni Pirates clash with Mbabane Highlanders at 2pm while Royal Leopard will play Green Mamba at 4pm.

Comments (1 posted):

masiko on 16/03/2014 11:46:32
Im not suprised becaus vele tz how we do it in SD... Mmmh poor SD...

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