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MBABANE – When NFAS Technical Director (TD) and top CAF Instructor Boy ‘Bizzah’ Mkhonta introduced coaches to the new syllabus, he said it would be tough and he was not joking.

NFAS is an acronym for the National Football Association of Swaziland, otherwise known as the FA.
The coaches, who currently hold the CAF B Licence, are set to undertake a bridging course-NFAS Diploma in Coaching- starting on April 5 before they are eligible to sit for the CAF A Licence towards the end of the year.

The modules of this course have been made public and it will not be an easy road for coaches as it is constituted by five modules which will certainly not be a walk in the park for the coaches who are looking to qualify to enter for the CAF A Licence course.

The modules include Anatomy and Physiology, Psychology, Sport Pedagory, Sport Sociology and Sport Science, and they will take the participants into in-depth knowledge of the mind and body of professional players; a more scientific approach.

It was explained by the TD’s office that the main reason why they had put together a challenging bridging course was to ensure that the coaches would be prepared and capacitated by the time they go for the CAF A Licence programme. Meanwhile it was also revealed that there were plans to have the would-be CAF A licensed coaches go for the Pro-Licence course as the FA strives to have highly qualified coaches locally.

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