Home | News | UNISWA employee, resident nabbed for diesel theft

UNISWA employee, resident nabbed for diesel theft

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MBHULENI – A staffer from the University of Swaziland (UNISWA) and a resident were yesterday detained by the Mbhuleni community police for alleged theft of diesel from the varsity tractor.

The UNISWA staffer, who cannot be named for now as no charges have been laid against him is alleged to have been driving a tractor loaded with trash when he was found at the homestead another resident. A community police member Menzi Mtsetfwa said in the tractor, a 25 litre container loaded with diesel was found with the rubbish. “We had received reports that diesel was being siphoned from a UNISWA tractor and delivered at a homestead at Mbhuleni, regularly.

“When we saw the tractor today, we followed it down the road. When we got there, we hid and saw the driver giving a girl one 25 litre container to take into the house. The girl took it to the house and we then emerged and blocked the tractor driver. We found another container in the tractor. Meanwhile, some of the community police went into the house and found the other resident with the other container.”

Mtsetfwa said the two were taken to where the community police interrogate suspects, under a tree.
Both the suspects declined to be interviewed by the Times, saying “whatever the community police told you is true, so leave us alone.”

The community police called UNISWA authorities, who arrived about an hour later and recommended that the matter be taken to the UNISWA offices, where it would be deliberated at length. The university’s security company was also called to the scene.

When the community police asked the driver’s supervisor Timothy Ndzinisa if they would call the Royal Swaziland Police, he said he preferred that the matter be deliberated by the parties concerned at UNISWA.

However, a UNISWA official Patrick Gamedze later arrived and told the community police that the law would take its course. The suspects, community police and UNISWA staff then went to the varsity where the matter was deliberated behind closed doors. Police Public Relations Officer Senior Superintendent Vusi Masuku said no charge had been laid against the two yesterday.

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