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MP's wife robbed of two cellphones, E1 000 cash

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MHLANGATANE – Three thugs allegedly took charge of the small village here when they robbed everyone they came across.

Local MP Mbalekelwa John Ndwandwe’s wife was not spared as the thugs took a sum of E1 000 plus two cellphones.

Sources in the area believe the young men were coming from neighbouring South Africa.

"The three struck on Thursday and they robbed more than four people in our village among the people robbed was our MP’s wife and a single parent who was staying with her children. They robbed the woman of a sum of E1 700.

They also robbed another person a sum of E1 000 and that saw community police being called to come and save the situation. In their robbing spree the thugs attempted to rob a bakery. It is not be known if they wanted the bread or money," said the source.

Relating the ordeal last night the MP said the thugs struck at his place when he was away to attend a church service. He said his wife told him the three were carrying a knife and a gun which they used to threaten her.


"They got into my house and they demanded money and after seeing that my wife was not cooperative they then ransacked the house and they took clothes and two cellphones. After taking those items from my house they then moved to a Mavuso homestead where they found their match.

The man of the house was with his brother-in-law who is a police officer and they could not get anything from the Mavuso homestead.

The Mavusos were able to fight them and they fled.

After fleeing the homestead they then went to a Myeni homestead where they robbed the widow of E1 700.

Police on Thursday brought sniffer dogs to comb the area and they could not find them but we have just heard that they could be hiding in the Mhlangatane Mountains," said Ndwandwe.

Police Deputy PRO Superintendent Wendy Hleta confirmed the incident.

"It is true that police are looking for three people behind the reign of terror in places around Mhlangatane and Nhlanguyavuka. What we have uncovered was that there were two South Africans who were believed to be behind the armed robberies," she said.

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