Albinos now fear for their lives
MANZINI- Albinos now fear for their lives following the brutal killing of 11-year-old, Banele Nxumalo last week.
Nxumalo was shot and beheaded in front of her friends who watched helplessly along the banks of Siguduma River, in Nhlangano.
Moses Lukhele (57) who resides in Ngwane Park said he feared for his life after he was told by people that there was an albino killer on the loose in the country. "I had not even seen the article in the paper, I was walking from town to my place as usual when people approached and told me about the killing in Nhlangano. As you can see I’m an old man with four children and I travel every day by foot to town as I make a living through selling vegetables," he said.
Lukhele who has never been employed said he was shocked that some people would go to an extent of brutally murdering albinos just to sell their body parts to witch doctors who use them to concoct wealth enhancing charms. "Sometimes I fear going out of my house but duty calls, I have to work hard for my children. If the same thing would happen to me then my time on this earth would have come to an end. I can’t stay in the house forever but I have to be on the look out," he said.
Another albino, Kwanele Simelane (39) who resides at Nhlambeni said he was aware of the killings after reading the papers. "I’m aware of the killings and other people have been warning me. What I can say is that when it’s my time to die, it will happen and no one can stop it. It is however very sad to learn that people have become so evil," he said.
The two refused to have their pictures taken for the fear of their lives. Police are still investigating Nxumalo’s murder.
A Tanzanian NGO put the toll of albino murders at 57 in one year and six attempted murders, where victims lost limbs, genitals, ears, noses and tongues. Of about 150 000 albinos in Tanzania, a country of some 35 million, approximately 8 000 are registered with the Tanzania Albino Society. Some families kill albino babies at birth to avoid discrimination, authorities say.
*Additional information sourced from the Internet
May killers know that this act is disgusting and people stop helping witch doctors. Try other means of making money .
Aug 24, 2010, 5:02 PM, Nathi T Lukhele (76670796)