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Manchester not drinking SODA!

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MBABANE – Premier League rookies Manch-ester United are thirsty.

They are yet to drink from the Soda King sponsorship worth E100 000 that was announced before the start of the new season.

It certainly looked a huge achievement by the Pigg’s Peak side when Soda King announced a E100 000 sponsorship for the team to run throughout the season.

However, this publication has since established that the sponsorship has become nothing but a mirage.

This was despite it being announced before a raptu-rous 500 residents of Msum-pe in August.

The sponsorship package was to include a soccer kit, soccer boots, track suits and further four cases of beverages in all games they would play this season.

It has been confirmed by both parties concerned that the sponsorship has not been able to take off as the company only released few drinks in their past five league games.

The team’s Chairman of the Board of Directors, Mandla Mamba confirms that they have not received anything from the company.

He said even during the launch nothing was signed on the dotted lines, so it has been hard for them to approach the new incorp-orated beverages company based in Matsapha.

"We were hoping the sponsorship was going to help us in the running of the team, but so far nothing has come forward. It is unfortunate that the Management Committee (MC) that played a vital role in securing the sponsor has resigned en-masse," he said.


Meanwhile, Soda King Marketing Manager Lovin-gton Dlamini confirmed that they had failed to deliver what they promised to the team. He said they had only contributed four cases of their products. He said the products were available in their company premises for all the past games. "The team failed to come for the drinks and in the past month there had been commun-ication breakdown between the two parties.

He said Manchester sh-ould come to their premises to get the drinks before every game they would play.

Dlamini said in terms the soccer kit, soccer boots, tracksuits and T-shirts branded in both Soda King and the team logo, they are still to be delivered.

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