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Timothy suspends brother Mzwakhe

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MBABANE – Ncandweni Christ Ambassadors Gospel Group member Mzwakhe Myeni has been suspended from the group.  

The decision was attributed to certain issues, that Myeni and the group led by his brother and Lubulini Member of Parliament Timothy, that needed to be solved.
He is the second member to be suspended after Khayalethu Masuku.

For the past two to three performances, Myeni was not part of the group’s performances, something that has raised questions from the group’s fans.
Myeni’s suspension comes hardly three days after he had publicly stated that he had decided to go solo, after forming his own group, with the aim of touring the world. He was also previously reported to have gone to the extent of forming a mass choir which he hoped to record with soon. He has already conducted auditions for the choir members.

Announcing Myeni’s suspension during a press conference held yesterday, Timothy said, “It should be known to the public that Mzwakhe will not be part of the group pending certain issues that the group needed to solve.”


When asked what the exact reason was that made him reach the decision to suspend Myeni, Timothy claimed the reason was known to Myeni and therefore it would not be proper for him to divulge the reasons as they were known to both parties.
“The truth is that Mzwakhe is currently not part of the group and I may not know as to when the problems we are having would be solved,” he said.

He added that Myeni was aware that he would not be part of the group until the pending problems were solved.  
During a press conference held on Friday, Myeni (Mzwakhe) when asked why he had missed some of the group’s performances off late, he said he had other personal commitments.

He stated that as far as he was concerned, he was still a member of the group and his relationship with the rest of the members, including Timothy, was still smooth.
When called yesterday, Myeni could not be reached for comments as his phone was not available on the MTN network for the better part of yesterday afternoon.

...pray for me – Timothy

MBABANE - Ncandweni Christ Ambassadors Gospel Group lead singer and founder Timothy Myeni has called upon members of the public together with the group members to pray for him.

Myeni said the group which he leads was seriously challenged and needed serious prayers.
“It is not easy to lead such a group, especially when you are faced with such challenges.
However it should be known that the time has come to put our house in order so God would work through us in a proper way,” he said.

He added, “We have been called to serve God in a dynamic way and in order for God’s wish to be accomplished, we have to make it a point that our house is in order so God can work freely,” he said.

He further on apologised to the public, especially the fans, for the negative reports that were reported about the group promising that they would soon be history.
“It should be known that there is no division in the group but this is just a transition which will soon be over,” he said.  


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