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Govt not protecting us against Asians

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I would like to voice out my concern regarding the number of Asian nationals invading our country. It’s not about hate but a concern that needs scrutiny. First there was a cry that these Asians were taking accommodation meant for Swazis, then an alarm was raised that they were exploiting employees in the name of cheap labour.

They took every shop in town, spread to townships like wild fires. Now they’ve invaded rural areas like locust in a maize field. They are driving Swazis out of business at an alarming rate.

Does someone who sells fake and expired goods to the public deserve to be called an investor? They easily get access to documents that we the rightful citizens hassle to get.
Why do we have to play second fiddle to foreigners? If there are influential people behind this, they should be exposed.

Our government is not protecting us, basho kona vele kutsi the stomach is not a good political advisor then you should expect this if you take tilambi utifaka ePhalamende.
I think our government is aware that violence is the language of the unheard. I’d like to ask all concerned Swazis to stand and be heard.

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