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My players were afraid - Badara

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LOBAMBA – His team was tactically outplayed especially in the first half, and Mbabane Swallows coach Alou Badara said his team was a victim of stage fright.

He said they were killed by the silly goals they conceded within the first 20 minutes of the game.
“At this level of the game you do not allow a silly goal like their first one. It was the same thing in the second goal, and it was always going to be hard to come back. It’s a pity because I had warned them about staying alert especially in the first 20 minutes,” he said.

The Malian born coach said his team got better as the game proceeded but they were once again punished while trying to pull one goal in the second half.
“We were invading their territory when we got punished for their third goal, but you can’t blame anyone except to say such things happen in football,” he said.

He was still optimistic of performing better in the second leg that is due in two weeks time.
“We are not going to say we are out of it. There is still room for a comeback but we need to improve the level of fitness of some of our players because we were exposed today (yesterday),” he said.
Mbabane Swallows lost 1-3 to SuperSport United in the first leg of the CAF Champions League preliminary round game. And in order to proceed to the next round they would have to win by at least 3-0.

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