Home | Sports | Sugar Association gives E76 000 to AAS, Tennis

Sugar Association gives E76 000 to AAS, Tennis

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MBABANE – It was a great day for athletics and tennis yesterday.
The Swaziland Sugar Association (SSA) has once again supported the efforts of the Athletics Association of Swaziland (AAS) and the Swaziland National Tennis Association (SNTA) by continuing to sponsor both associations with a combined sum of E76 800.

SSA also sponsored E17 400 to the Tennis Association and E59 400 to Athletics.


These are increments for both organizations compared to last year’s E15 985 and E54 985 respectively.  
Dr. Mike Matsebula, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the SSA said he noted that the sponsorships had made a significant contribution to the two organisations’ executives and to the youth involved.
“I urge the SNTA and the AAS not to relax in their efforts.  You must strive to do better all the time because that is how we all grow mentally, physically and otherwise,” he said.

Matsebula also highlighted the importance of keeping records.  
Gideon Mthembu, the AAS president thanked the SSA on behalf of both organizations.


“We thank the SSA for the gesture and commitment they have shown to athletics and junior tennis development.  Although our relationship has been at times turbulent, we are grateful that we have come together for the advancement of these sports.

“We assure that the money will only be used for the activities but we are also experiencing difficulties in terms of facilities for these sports,” he said.

Mthembu also urged for the Ministry of Sports to propagate a Tax Bill to give a Tax Break to companies such as the SSA which still sponsor sports despite the economic recession.

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