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E600 000 for World Cup goodies!

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LOBAMBA – Parliament yesterday approved close to E1 million for the Local 2010 Office to cater for its staff gratuity and purchase World Cup tickets.

The exact amount is E924 000, of which E400 000 will cater for the office’s staff gratuity while the remaining will go towards the purchase of tickets and transport arrangements for local fans who would want to go and watch the World Cup in South Africa in June.

The  Finance Committee on Budget Allocations for the Zone VI Games and 2010 World Cup Office recommended that based on its findings, the House of Assembly should approve the budget, something that was done as the report was adopted.
The Sports Ministry signed contracts with the staff in charge of the World Cup 2010 Office and had already committed to the purchase of tickets and transport arrangements hence the decision to approve the requested budget.

Chairperson of the Committee Marwick Khumalo who is Lobamba Lomdzala’s Member of Parliament states in their report that they could not provide the initial E5 million budgets as there were no benefits for the country.

Also, it was discovered that there seemed to be a mismanagement of funds at the office and that the benefits of the country seemed to be nothing but a figment of the office’s imagination, hence the allocation could not be possible.
It was also noted that other ministries like the Tourism Ministry had also used the funds from the office under the guise of the World Cup preparations.

It was found that Minister of Sports Hlobisile Ndlovu does not share vital information with Parliamentary committees.
The report was tabled yesterday and adopted by the House which had a number of MPs backing the Sports Ministry as it continues with its prepa-rations to have successful Zone Six Games and also ensuring that Swazis would be able to travel safely to and from the World Cup games in South Africa.

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