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ACASWA skams Isiqalo events company

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MBABANE – ACASWA President Mzwakhe Myeni has come down hard on organisers that host gospel shows that flop.

ACASWA is the Association of Christian Artists in Swaziland which affiliates under the Swaziland National Council of Arts and Culture.

Myeni was referring to last Saturday’s show which was to feature South African gospel artist Sifiso Ncwane who ended up not making it to the event. The event had been organised by Isiqalo Events Management and was held at the Divine Healing Ministries in Manzini. The company director Vusi Kunene told this newspaper that Ncwane had failed to arrive at Lavumisa Border Post on time as scheduled and therefore had to come through the Ngwenya Border.

However, when that never happened, Kunene and his assistants decided to quietly leave the venue without having given the gospel music fans a clear word that Ncwane was no longer coming to Swaziland.

Kunene later on said he would send an official apology to the people that had come to the event he organised. It has still not come through.

Myeni said such things should be avoided by all means since they would lead to gospel music fans not trusting other organisers of shows because of the disappointments.

"If people are now threatening to boycott gospel shows featuring South African musicians then it is bad for other organisers as well as ACASWA because we also organise similar events. I therefore deeply apologise to the gospel music fans that flocked to the Divine Healing Ministries only to find that the main artist would not arrive," he said.

He also mentioned that even though he was apologising, ACASWA was not the event organiser and had not been notified of this show until it was advertised.

He also advised that event organisers who would want to host gospel gigs in future should highly consider contacting ACASWA before they even advertise the show.

"We have been organising shows for a long time and we can be of great assistance to these people so as to make sure that their events are not a flop," he said.

On the other hand, Myeni also mentioned that the show organised by ACASWA slated for this weekend was still on.

He added that they would slaughter two bulls to be prepared as food for artists on the weekend yesterday.

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