Home | News | Man impregnates two sisters and both drop out of school

Man impregnates two sisters and both drop out of school

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TSHEDZE – Ladies have been known to fight over a man if they were both in love with him, but things have turned out not to be the case with a *Dludlu family.

Two sisters have become competitors as the younger sister fell in love with her brother-in-law despite that she knew her older sister was in love with the same man. *Nothando Dludlu said her younger sister *Simangaliso dated her boyfriend for close to seven months without the knowledge of anyone in the family. The community, and their parents, were surprised when they were both impregnated by a 22-year-old man from the village. The two sisters are aged 15 and 17 years respectively. They are both school drop-outs. Speaking to Swazi News on Monday this week at their village, the eldest said it took her by surprise when she heard that her younger sister was dating her man. "I used to hear people alleging that my sister was seen with the father of my daughter. I later discovered that my mother was the first person to pick up the rumour that the two were dating and she told me that she spoke to her and she promised that she was going to stop seeing my boyfriend.

"Six months later my mother discovered that Simangaliso was pregnant and they asked her who was responsible for the pregnancy. She told mum that she was impregnated by the father of my daughter. I was so hurt when I heard that she had taken my boyfriend.

"I still regard her as a sister, and not as my competitor, because at the moment there is very little I can do about the situation. Despite all this, I still love the father of my child and I have forgiven him for double-crossing me with my younger sister," said Nothando.

She said her father was shocked when he discovered that the man who had impregnated his first daughter had impregnanted his youger one too. The father expected the man to pay damages for the eldest one.

Nothando said what surprised her most was that her boyfriend flatly denied that he was dating her sister. He had to confirm it when she approached him and told him that her younger sister had confessed that she was dating him. "He is not working but he is able to support his daughter. I do not know where he is getting the money from but he is able to meet his obligation of supporting his child. Our father is still to meet both of us and discuss the next move. He was so angry when this happened but he did not do anything except to say we were to discuss it later," added Nothando.


Sometimes it's really fascinating to read stories like this one above, this's not new to anyone who breathes in this world, adultery is there even in the holy bible, people were doing it during the time of our Lord Jesus Christ. In this story above, these people are not even married, so the whole thing is just rotten. Advice; if you want anyone to be good to you, let it begin with you. God is the only one who can help this family. Martin..
June 19, 2010, 3:20 pm, Martin Nxumalo (martinn71@gmail.com)

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Shoiuld husbands be allowed to assume their wives' surnames?