Home | News | Maid arrested for assaulting boss' child

Maid arrested for assaulting boss' child

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PIGG’S PEAK – A 20-year-old maid has been arrested for assaulting her empl-oyee’s child with a stick.

Ngabisa Masilela has since been slapped with the charge of assault with intent to cause grievous bodily harm in that, during what she called chastisement, she inflicted serious injuries on the body of the three-year-old, Sandzile Kunene, beating her all over her body.

Masilela yesterday appeared before Pigg’s Peak Magistrate Leo Dlamini where she pleaded guilty of assault with intent to cause grievous body harm. When her right of legal representation was explained to her, she opted to conduct her own defence. She told the court that she assaulted the child with the stick, which was presented as an exhibit in court, after the child had failed to obey her instructions.

"Your worship, she was about to leave for school when I instructed her to make sure that she left everything in order, but she flatly refused. I then decided to get a stick to discipline her and my intention was not to injure her but to discipline her," she said.

A doctor’s report that was read in court reflects that during the assault the minor sustained serious injuries on her hands and buttocks. The report was also presented as an exhibit in court and it was not disputed by the accused (Masilela).

When sentencing her ,magistrate Dlamini said he would consider that the accused was a first-time offender and that she pleaded guilty to the charge which was a sign of remorse on her part.

Masilela was then fined E1 000 or (in default of payment) 10 months behind bars. She was warned not to committed a similar offence. Appearing for the crown in this matter was Elsie Matsebula.

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