Home | Sports | Zone VI under-20 boxers prove their mantle

Zone VI under-20 boxers prove their mantle

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MBABANE – The Zone VI Under-20 boxers proved once again that they have what it takes to compete against the best in the region.

Five under-20 boxers took part in the Nhlangano Interclub Boxing Tournament held at KaMjuda on Saturday.

The five young boxers all won their bouts and Fanelo ‘Madida’ Nkambule of Kid Mamba proved to be amongst the best as he was a favourite with the crowd.

Eleven bouts were played on the day after two were cancelled due to technical problems.

James Nkambule of SWABA said the games were a major success but lamented the problems they faced before the games.

He said they had to move the ring to KaMjuda because they started late.

"The games were finished at 10pm and I would like to thank the boxers and their team leaders for bearing with us throughout the event. We are very happy the event went well but the secretary has a full report on the progress of the tournaments," he said.

The secretary, Sthembiso Kuhlase was not available for comments.

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