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Hillary Clinton sings SD praises

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MBABANE – Hillary Rodham Clinton, the US Secretary of State, salutes Swaziland’s increasingly bold leadership in the fight against HIV/AIDS.

Clinton said this in a statement to the country congratulating Swaziland’s independence on behalf of President Barack Obama and the people of the United States.

The wife of former US President Bill, Clinton congratulated His Majesty King Mswati III and the people of Swaziland on the 42nd anniversary of the country’s independence last week.

"The United States salutes Swaziland’s increasingly bold leadership in the fight against HIV/AIDS, and we are committed to supporting the kingdom’s efforts to make treatment available to all affected individuals.

"We will also remain a full partner with Swaziland as you seek to strengthen good governance and rule of law, and promote economic development," read the statement from the US Department of State.

Clinton added that they are proud that more than 1 700 Americans have joined Swazi communities through the Peace Corps to foster cultural ties between the two nations and help address local challenges.

In her statement, she said Prime Minister Barnabas Sibusiso Dlamini’s personal support for the US volunteers has been critical to ensuring the success of their work, and they look forward to expanding the programme further with the new education project in 2011.

She wished all the people of Swaziland a safe and joyous holiday with a peaceful and prosperous year to come.

About five months ago the US State Department under Clinton expressed concerns about some human rights abuses in the country in its detailed report on Human Rights Practices in Swaziland for the year ending 2009.

In other news, Kim Yong Nam, President of the Presidium of the Supreme People’s Assembly of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (North Korea) also sent a message of greeting last Friday to the king.

In the message, Yong Nam expressed belief that the friendly and cooperative relations between the two countries would grow stronger in conformity with the desire and interest of the two peoples.

He also wished the king greater success in his work for the stability and prosperity of the country.


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