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Is Swaziland Becoming An Animal Farm?

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Editor, I am now getting more confused about the way our country is being run. I stand to be corrected Editor if I am wrong, but a year or two ago the Swazi Nation was told government is now practising a zero based budgeting  after adopting the Medium Term Expenditure Framework (MTEF).

Zero based because there is no more money and the country is operating on a deficit. Now what confuses me is the following;

1.    Circular No.1 of 2010: Is it really necessary when the country has no money and unemployment is high?
*    Why is it that when it is Sibusiso Dlamini’s term as PM, there are these controversies. Remember last term, he wanted body guards (Police) even after his term in office at the expense of the tax payer. Now he wants free medical aid, furniture, E10 000 salary, etc..? Is this fair to the tax payer and to the poor Swazi lemakhaya?
*   I thought when the king appointed Sibusiso as PM, he was appointing a professional who would not let money be siphoned from the government’s coffers like they did in A.T’s term (E50m saga and the E28m Jet refund). But ke by the look of things its not the case, it seems the PM is preparing for a lavish retirement at the expense of poor hard working Swazi citizens.
*   This circular has been crafted in such a way that even the people we send to Parliament to speak on our behalf become useless to us. The MPs have been given an increment, allowances, free top of the range cellphones, free tenders. This has made our MPs helpless because if they had a conscience they would scrutinise these circulars or ‘Umphako wa PM’.
*   Editor, I am requesting your esteemed newspaper to publish the whole of Circular No.1 of 2010. I wish it can also be translated to siSwati so my grandmother and the elders at home can know about ‘Umphako wa PM’.

2.    Why are issues of civil servants and Swazi professionals not addressed yet Issues of politicians are quick to be addressed?

*    Editor if you can do the economics of converting what the politicians will be getting and what they have received in terms of percentages, you will find that the 4.5  per cent received by civil servants is far less than what the politicians received.

*    Why are Swazi professionals paid low salaries, I am talking about journalists, doctors, government accountants, engineers and computer specialists to name a few. Instead of pushing for gazettes that will regulate the wages and benefits of Journalists, (journo’s play a crucial role in society), the PM and his crew are pushing for Circular No.1 of 2010.

*    Where is the medical aid of civil servants because the PM has been afforded a medical aid for life? Really, where are we going to because he already earns a lot of money and can finance his own medical bills?

3.    Why do we need an iron fist during the reign of Sibusiso Dlamini?
*    During the previous PM’s reign, it was makhundu and now it is spakatane. Does the nation need this?
*    These are the very same things that tarnish the country’s image. Believe it or not, our neighbours and friends will think His Majesty is behind this yet he is not. The king works tirelessly for us poor Swazi citizens and does not push for Circular No.1

*   Lastly Editor, we all pay taxes and some of us have to line for more than five hours at the government hospital to get treatment. Let all animals be equal, why is that when Sibusiso is PM, only the police force benefits?
*   The PM’s retirement packages are increased without being scrutinised KPMG starts making money
*    No nonsense journalists are promoted or poached or silenced into joining the government press club at hospital hill






What I can say is that Swaziland is a relationship-based country and not a rule-based country, and therefore transparency in any dealings (govt) is a dream that will never be fulfilled. Everything in this country is by favour and not by merit. Swaziland ooooh poor Swaziland you are indeed becoming an animal farm.
Sep 23, 2010, 9:34 PM, nonos (nnplmabuza@gmail.com)


Wayishaya mbutfo, mane inkinga nje kutsi PM will think you are one of the aggrieved minorities yet your opinion represents every right thinking Swazi except bona because they think only for their stomachs, instead of addressing your concerns, he will call you names, but Maswati lets mobilize each other and go to Ludzidzini to the King and pass a vote of no confidence in the present cabinet,  down to MP`s whom we thought were our eyes, ears and voices about how this Country is governed ngoba lafa live emadvodza adlisana odwva nje kepha nabo bathule batsi muncu, angitsi bababhasile nabo, I think Swazis you have learnt now how this system works, it protects and reward only the elite few and the rest of us soon sitobe sigola tintsentse, kani vele what’s wrong with our PM, is this the mandate he got when he was appointed to bring the economy of this Country to its knees kuze sitoba tigcila tabo ngekutsi batsi bayofunela emaswati emabinizisi lengaphandle yet we know kutsi kusuke kuyophandzelwa bantfwana kungasiyo inhlangano yaMabhawodi in the name of Foreign Investment.
Sep 24, 2010, 9:31 AM, Disgusted


Mr PM ibuhlungu kabi lendzaba lekukhulunywa ngayo la, kodvwa nje kudlalelwani ngemaSwati netisebenti when you and your cabinet nicikita imali kanje. E9000, ne blackberry for each person on top of liholo and allowances!!! And then mine a radio journalist with 2 degrees and experience I get paid less than a driver at the same work place! Then uphakamisa sipakatane? How do you like it when you suppress people under your leadership? You're one hard man but really it doesn't do you any good ngisho naseZulwini lapho uphokophele kuyofika khona. Watsambisa sitolobho wafa yini Mlangeni?
Sep 24, 2010, 1:09 PM, Muziwocolo Simelane (mzoes@yahoo.com)

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