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More lawsuits coming Commissioner

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It was with great shock and dismay to learn that lawsuits instituted against the police now amount to E61 million. As a taxpayer, I feel this is wrong and unacceptable as it is draining the ailing economy of the country which is already on its knees.

My humble questions to the Commissioner of Police are as follows:

n Why do the police top the list with regard to lawsuits instituted against them?

n Are the police in this country an asset or a liability?

n Have you given the police officers powers to shoot on sight before ascertaining whether a crime has been committed or not?

n Have you given powers to police officers to try cases, issues judgements and sentences on people by torturing and executing them on the spot?

n Are you aware that people are presumed innocent unless or until proven guilty by a competent court of law?


The Attorney General’s office has to defend lawsuits instituted against police day in and day out due to police negligence, recklessness and brutality. In most cases government loses as some of these cases are indefensible. If police do not change their attitude and embrace professionalism then I am afraid more lawsuits are coming your way Commissioner.


For instance, how do you justify and explain the brutal murder of an innocent young man by an officer at Zakhele Spots Ground in December 2005?

After gunning down the young man who was unarmed, the officer was not arrested and charged with murder instead he was hailed as a hero by police authorities who also allowed him to continue using his firearm.

The brutal death of this young man was never investigated. I humbly urge the office of the Minister of Justice and Contitutional Affairs whom I believe is a Christian to institute an inquiry into the brutal death of this young man.


The same police officer gunned down one of their own on December 20, 2008. It was then that his bosses became furious and arrested and charged him with murder.

He started wondering why his bosses were no longer lenient with him this time. The answer is simple and obvious, he had gunned down one of their own, a fellow police officer who served under the scenes of crime department.

Reliable sources reveal that the police officer who worked for the Scenes of Crime Department in Manzini Regional offices was the murderous officer’s third victim as he had already killed or gunned down two people before his colleague.

As if that was not enough another officer based at Mliba Police Station decided to gun down an innocent hitch-hiker in cold blood. Instead of giving the poor soul a lift as he was hitch-hiking, he decided to end his life (journey).

This incident happened in January 2010 at Mliba.

Last, but not least Commissioner according to our constitution everyone has a right to live.

Concerned citizen,


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