Home | Entertainment | Over 6 000 cross over in real style at Café Mogambo

Over 6 000 cross over in real style at Café Mogambo

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CAFÉ MOGAMBO- Café Mogambo came alive on Wednesday night when thousands of clubbers gathered to be ushered in real style into the year 2009.

And just like in the year 2007, clubbers showed that they really loved fun as most of them retired way after 8am yesterday.

This was during the annual 24-Hour party hosted by Swazi Boy Entertainment and funlovers started pouring in from as early as noon and by 6pm, parking inside the place was already limited which forced other cars to park on the roadside.

The event attracted many South Africans and with the way they parked their sleek wheels one would be forgiven for thinking there was a car sale.

Unlike last year, the organisers seemed to have done their home work well as clubbers did not have the stress of long queues both when gaining entry and buying their favorite drinks.

The three dance floors also worked wonders as it allowed ample space to dance and mingle.

This is how it happened on the three dance floors:

Hip Hop section

It was by far the busiest and funlovers first enjoyed irresistible beats from Swazi Boy Entertainment youngster DJ Tempt who really got them into a real cross over mood with the latest tracks from well known stars like Lil Wayne, TI, R. Kelly and many more.

Undoubtedly, it was mostly youngsters who seemed to like it the most.

Papz was next and he also proved why he’s regarded as the country’s number one Hip Hop spinner as he dished a great selection which saw more and more people joining this section.

Towards the countdown to the most important hour, Nigerian born Channel O spinner DJ Waxxy was there to get everybody sweating and at exactly 23:55 the clubbers raised their hands and started counting.

Cross over song: T.I and Rihanna’s ‘Live your life’.

House Section (Inside)

DJ Crooks opened this section like a house on fire with his wonderful House tracks which saw people packing the dance floor.

Both DJ Rocco and Black Koffee seemed to be very popular in this section and one could tell by the screams when Shadow introduced them.

Cross over song: 2 by 2 by Rhythmic Elements

Outdoor section (Poolside)

This section surprised even itself because it was outside and with a chilly weather, one wouldn’t expect funlovers to pack it like they did.

But well thanks to the good work done by deejays Andy X and Sdunkero who made sure that fun lovers did not get bored.

Highlights of the show

mini skirts and shorts rule

The show saw most ladies showing off some flesh as most of them were dressed in mini skirts, shorts and the famous balloon dress.

Electricity hiccups

It happens most of the time that no matter how good a show can be, there’s always going to be something that threatens to spoil it and at the party, it was electricity hiccups and at some point it happened with many queing to buy their drinks and when it went off, they tried to get out of the bar and it almost led to a stampede.

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