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Back at one

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So finally I am hooked back to DSTV. I eventually got to cut down that tree that was intercepting my signal and yes, the good times are set to roll again.

It is amazing that a few years ago a decoder and dish I bought was E1 500 and installation about E300, today one just pays E499 for the decoder and you can get a clued up pal to swing the dish for you.

So this means less watching Swazi TV for me and here’s hoping you will SMS and call to air your views on what’s hot or not on screen.

But what’s new really on DSTV? I haven’t been on it since last year November when I migrated to the G-TV that later dumped me like my disillusioned ex-girlfriend.

Frankly the music is a bit the same and when you need Trace the most, in the mornings they play some Latino stuff.

What is great is the new graphics that are on the different stations. They keep you a bit awake. But for me the show of the week was on Idols Extra on Wednesday night. Idols is a singing contest.

You see normally in life there are winners and there are losers. We all strive to be the winners because we believe that there is no prize or gain for losing.


However, in the Idols singing competition there is and it is the wooden microphone. This effectively means that despite being a terribly bad singer you can still be voted for by the viewers as the best of the worst.

One candidate I saw on Wednesday night was a lady from Rustenburg who was singing ‘killing me softly’ and then suddenly introduced a ‘remix’ with ‘Ingwazi’ and ‘Kwasa’ dance.

She is a hot candidate. Her voice is so terrible it would break even the strongest glass but she is pretty and dances well so much she entertained the judges.


I know a couple of locals who could win that best of the worst competition and some even have their albums on the shelves (he he he).

I watched a documentary on comedians the other day. Despite making people laugh, they are actually the saddest people in the world. It is said they hide their sadness by making other people laugh.

So I have decided I do not want to be a comedian, I want to be the one who laughs. One show that gets people cranked up is the Idols.

It is hard to phantom how one person believes their shower voice can be good enough to be the next Whitney Houston. But on Idols it happens every day. Of late though the judges have received criticism for being too harsh. I read one comment from a viewer saying ‘just because they can’t sing does not mean you have to be abusive.’

I believe the bad singers should not even go there but then again there is an incentive for them so it is even more fun.


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