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Don't forget to walk for the poor, hungry

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There was hope that probably this year the number of people living below the poverty line would have been drastically reduced. Sadly it remains the same.

We still have thousands of Swazis who need food aid. Donor organisations such as the World Food Programme (WFP) are doing their best to ensure our fellow brothers and sisters receive at least one meal a day.


But what about the other meals and other needs for the day? This is where we need to come in. If everybody were to adopt a poor fellow Swazi we probably would be able to cut the poverty by half.
Esicotjeni Foundation has provided us with yet another opportunity to donate towards a worthy cause by hosting the Walk for Hunger event to be held on Sunday in Manzini. Our attendance will go a long way in giving somebody in need, a reason to keep on living.

The situation is dire and statistics show we are a long way from overcoming poverty in this country. We can’t wait for 2015. To think that government has the solution to all our problems could only render us guilty of neglect. We all know where government priorities lie.


Difficult as things may be, participating in the walk with our last cent should give us the dignity of having cared where others had abdicated their responsibility to fellow citizens. Economically this is also a very difficult time for companies to carry out their social responsibility obligations and those who have managed to do so deserve our praise.

A company cannot exist without a client. A client is an individual who is able to wake up every morning to a meal and a job that helps them earn a living. This is what we all must strive for if this country, its economy and its people are to stay alive.
I look forward to seeing you all at the walk on Sunday because I know you care.  

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