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Yes, deal with cattle owners

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Public Works and Transport Minister Ntuthuko Dlamini announced some bad news for cattle owners last week. This is good news.

His ministry is in the process of purchasing three more trucks to be used to round up stray cattle found grazing next the roads.

The fines for impounded cattle are set to be increased and more pounds are to be put up especially along the most troublesome routes at Malindza and Nkwene.
The minister will give cattle owners a chance to sort themselves out by embarking on a nationwide ‘Vusela’ to the chiefdoms where a final warning is to be issued.


This is a waste of resources in my books, but for the sake of progress the sooner it gets underway the better because the next accident involving cattle could be today, if it hasn’t happened already.

I must declare that I am victim of stray cattle—or should I say careless cattle owners. The sad irony of my crash is that it happened at the entrance to the police college (that has a guard house by the way) in Matsapha, where you would least expect to find them.

Did they belong to a top cop? I am lucky to be alive but I grieve for those families who have lost breadwinners or their prized possessions. And while the minister is at it, may his clean-up team see to it that dogs are also kept away from the road because they are now becoming a nuisance. Decomposing dogs have become a common site on our highway and it takes weeks before they are removed by whoever is responsible for this.

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