Home | News | Ex-principal demands his pension from TSC

Ex-principal demands his pension from TSC

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MBABANE – A former school principal has taken the Teaching Service Commission (TSC) to court to force it to speed up processing his pension benefits.  

The TSC is yet to file its responding papers in the matter. Micah Nsibandze  alleges in his court papers that he reached the government retirement age of 60 while he was serving as Nzongomane High School Principal, in          2008.
He alleges that the TSC served him with a letter informing him of his retirement from service.
He also alleges that he requested in writing an extension of at least one year so that he could allow an audit in the school before handing over to the next principal.  

“However, may I add that upon receipt of the letter from the TSC informing me of my retirement, the following week it sent a new person who was to take over my respon-sibilities,” he stated in his founding affidavit.  


He alleges that since the beginning of this year, he has been visiting the TSC offices trying to push it to process his retirement documents.
He alleges that TSC officials have told him that his pension benefits could not be processed because an audit had not been conducted in his school.

He alleges that the TSC audit officials told him that they were not involved in processing his pension and any delay in processing it was not necessarily caused by the non- auditing of his school.
He further alleges that he had been sent from pillar to post by TSC officials, thus spending a lot of money without getting help.

“What appears to be a problem is that during my tenure as principal, certain allegations were made against me by TSC auditors. I regarded the allegations as defamatory thus compelling me to institute legal proceedings against the TSC,” he states.
Nsibandze further alleges that the delay by the TSC was a way of revenge because he had once instituted legal proceedings against it.


He argues that the Ministry of Education and Training is failing to appreciate that he was merely exercising his constitutional right by seeking redress where he believed he had been wronged.
“The TSC’s conduct amounts to abuse of power and its refusal to process and issue my pension benefits is ill-founded,” Nsibandze states.

He also applied to be awarded costs on the punitive scale. Nsibandze is represented by Bongani Dlamini of BS Dlamini and Associates in the matter.

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