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Bomalume sexually abuse us - children

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NHLANGANO-Children have cried foul over the sexual abuse they suffer in the hands of their uncles, normally referred to as ‘bomalume’.

Speaking through Busisiwe Simelane at the commemoration of the Day of the African Child held at Makhosini High School yesterday, the children said they now had nowhere to run to because the people bestowed with their trust, had betrayed them. They said most of their uncles had turned rapists instead of heroes, and they did not get the love they deserved.

According to the children, their uncles took full advantage of their situation hence subjected them to sexual abuse. They also expressed their displeasure on teachers who used them as sex toys. They said a school should befit an environment suitable for learning for them to be better citizens of the country, and stop their shameful act because it was tantamount to destroying their future.

They also said they were not happy with being referred to as ‘tintsandzane’ as the name reduced them to ‘nobodies’.  
They said this reminded them of their deceased parents, poverty, as well as their worthlessness.
“We are discriminated at school by fellow colleagues and teachers, who treat us as if we are the HIV,” said Simelane.
“The children said their homesteads were usually taken away by people who were supposed to help them when their parents died and further subjected them to all kinds of abuse and harsh treatment.

“Our aunties’ make us do all kinds of chores which are difficult and cumbersome for us,” said Simelane.

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