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Three knockout tourneys for MRFA

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MANZINI – The Manzini Regional Football Association (MRFA) knockout tournaments will kick-off together with the SwaziBank Cup next month.

All three tournaments start on the weekend of February 6 and 7.
MRFA secretary Johannes Siboza said there are three knockout tournaments to be played.
The Kwaluseni tournament has been sponsored by Insika to the tune of E33 000.

The Mafutseni tournament has been sponsored with E20 000 by Minister of Finance Majozi Sithole and Member of Parliament (MP) Joseph Madonsela while the one in Malkerns has been luckily sponsored E15 000 by S & B.


Siboza said only the promotion and first division league teams will participate in the Insika knockout tournament while only promotion league teams will play in the Mafutseni E20 000 tournaments.  

In the Malkerns S & B tournament only teams playing in the promotion and first division will compete.
Siboza urged all the teams to get prepared for the games. He said he was impressed with the league and they are expecting same standards in the knockout tournaments.

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