Home | News | We steal dagga for poilce officers

We steal dagga for poilce officers

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MABHIDZI – Fed up residents yesterday ganged up on a gang of thugs who have been terrorising them demanding dagga and money at gunpoint.

The gang which includes a 15-year-old Form One pupil was hauled before the umphakatsi where they were made to confess their crimes.

According to the Indvuna of the area, one of the two boys claimed that they were working for some allegedly corrupt members of the police service from the same region who offered them E200 a week to raid houses they had identified to have dagga.

The allegations are now the subject of a police investig-ation. At least three police officers have been implicated.


Their names are known to this publication, but cannot be revealed pending the investig-ations.

It is alleged that these police officers were allegedly behind a string of robberies, including the E6.2 million robbery. The boy, who had been given a thorough hiding, alleged that they were paid a sum of E200 a week.

The gang also alleged that they were normally offered transport by their ‘bosses’ to the place of target. After successfully doing their job these officers, using their own cars, pick up the load together with their employees.

At least four homesteads have been victims of this alleged ‘police gang syndicates’.

Amongst other members of the gang are Mozambicans and South Africans.

He said the Mozambicans and South Africans are allegedly armed and they live in a flat rented in Pigg’s Peak.

Police PRO Superintendent Vusi Masuku confirmed the capture of the two teenage theft suspects.


He, however, said the police were yet to investigate the allegations made by the boys as they may have said that to escape more punishment from beatings by the residents.

The police PRO further urged anyone with more information to call the Hhhohho Regional Commander.

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