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Dead soldier buzzing' me?

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NHLANGANO- In a bizarre incident, the widow of a soldier, who died in a flooded river last month, alleges she is receiving ‘buzzes’ from his cellphone number.

Sebenzile Kunene (26) has come out to report that there is an anonymous caller who keeps on buzzing her with her late husband Dumisani Kunene’s cellphone.

She does not know how the cellphone landed in the person’s hands, but knows that it was not among the recovered items.

"There is a certain somebody who keeps calling my number using Kunene’s cellphone, and I am begging him/her to please stop," she said.

She narrated that the caller started bugging her two weeks after the death of Kunene, where- by the caller just buzzes and when she returns the call, she finds the number not available on the network. It is believed that Kunene had no cellphone with him when he drowned in the Sitilo River last month.

Expressing her ordeal in dealing with Kunene’s death, Sebenzile said since the death was still fresh, she was having sleepless nights.

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