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Hubby stabs wife over school fees

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PIGG’S PEAK – A 32-year-old mother of eight is lucky to be alive after she was stabbed seven times for allegedly demanding school fees from her drunken husband.

The incident, which has shocked residents of Mvembili and also irked the family members of Ncineleni Dlamini, as they are now baying for the blood of Bhekithemba Mmema (39), unfolded on Monday night at Mvembili.

Mvembili is situated in northern Hhohho near Matsamo.

It was gathered that Dlamini, who is struggling to make ends meet as she is not employed, but only depends on selling vegetables along the Matsamo/Pigg’s Peak road, had asked her allegedly abusive husband for the school fees of three of their children. These children, according to Dlamini, are out of school due to lack of funds.


Mmema is employed by a company sub-contracting at the Ngonini estate, it was gathered.

On the day of the incident he is said to have gone to a local bar, near Horo, where he enjoyed some drinks before going back home.

"On that day, his company had paid him his salary, which is why I asked for the school fees," said Dlamini who had difficulty speaking due to a stab wound around her mouth.

"I pay school fees for the four other children and he had failed to pay for the three. And when I spoke to him about that he simply got angry and started assaulting me. However, I never understood what made him angry and things got worse when he started stabbing me," narrated Dlamini.

She said the scuffle started just after 11pm. "He got back home too drunk and stabbed me all over the body. I tried to escape but I was very weak and he continued stabbing me," she claimed.

The situation was saved by the arrival of some neighbours who disarmed Mmema of the knife. The neighbours had responded to an alarm which was raised by two children who had witnessed the nasty fight between their parents.

Meanwhile, the police have since arrested Mmema in connection with the stabbing.

He appeared at the magistrate’s court before magistrate Leo Dlamini on Tuesday. He is facing charges of assault with intent to cause grievous bodily harm (GBH). His bail application was opposed and the matter will be back in court next week.

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