Home | News | Soldier's wife, nurse arrested for arbortion

Soldier's wife, nurse arrested for arbortion

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MANZINI – A soldier’s wife and a nurse were on Wednesday arrested for committing abortion.

It is said the nurse, who is also referred to as a doctor operates from her house, situated at Malindza.
The nurse, *Ruth is said to have given her client *Futhi some tablets to take. It is still not known where the foetus was dumped by the suspects.

The pregnancy’s period could not be ascertained.
Abortion is illegal in the country as per the national constitution, Section 15 subsection five.
A source close to the matter said some of Futhi’s colleagues at a supermarket where she worked became suspicious when she returned slimmer, the next day.   

The source said: “The reason she gave for terminating the pregnancy was that she was afraid her husband would kill her because he was not responsible. In a nutshell, she cheated on her husband.”


The source alleged that the nurse was known in the area to have assisted many women who wanted to abort.
Police Assistant Public Relations Officer Inspector Stephen Dlamini confirmed that two women were expected to appear at the Simunye magistrate court for allegedly committing abortion. Dlamini said the women were currently assisting the police in locating where the foetus was dumped.
*Not real names (their identities will be revealed once they have made a court appearance)

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