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Arrest them all: pastors, prophets and apostles

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The Times SUNDAY (September 20, 2009) reported that Interpol is investigating some pastors for faking miracles in some of their ceremonies. Otherwise, I would not be happy with Interpol meddling in matters of the church but because these acts by these entrepreneur-pastors border on corruption and committing fraud with false pretences, I think Interpol is spot-on.

Actually such action by Interpol is long overdue because many gullible believers have been swindled by these imposters who are out to amass as much wealth as possible while pretending to be preaching the true gospel.
These days running a ministry or being a pastor is a very lucrative business and this is evidenced by the fact that many of these ministries are situated in cities where the pastors know for sure that there will be easy cash flow from the attendants.

I was not surprised when I read from this newspaper that one popular pastor in the city wants to have ATMs installed at his so-called sanctuary. The reasons are obvious; the same newspaper reported one other famous apostle (that is what he calls himself) saying that the god he serves promised him that he would become rich; live in a double storey building, drive a an X5 and so forth before he started his own ministry.

But the true Lord said this concerning amassing wealth; “Take care, and be on your guard against all covetousness, for one’s life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions”— Luke 12:15.
It seems that this god of today’s pastors, apostles, prophets and etc is much more concerned with enriching these men and women materially while leaving them spiritually starved and dead. What I have also noticed about this god is that he seems to promote segregation in that while he makes sure that his servants are well-off i.e. driving big cars, living in big houses and financially well off, he doesn’t seem to care much about the ordinary brethren.


I am yet to see a brethren who joined one of these ministries living in a mud and stick flat who is now living in a double storey house or joined the ministry while walking on foot who now drives an X5 if it is not the pastors only.
One wonders where the Swaziland Conference of Churches, which is supposed to monitor the mushrooming ministries and sift the criminals-of-the-cloth before the public is taken for a ride, is. Actually the Conference of Churches reminds me of the Pharisees, the Sadducees and the Jewish elders of Jesus Christ’s time. These, despite their claim of representing God’s righteousness ,were not at all concerned with the spiritual bread of the flock but their own selfish ends and egos hence the Lord’s rebuke that they like to be seated upfront in luxury seats and blocking those who want to enter in the kingdom of God because they themselves were not entering (Matthew 23:6,13).

Why did it have to take Interpol to bring to book these marauders who are not only stealing from the public but also dragging the name of Christ and His method of salvation in the mud when we have bodies like the Conference of Churches? What are they doing?
It seems to me that the Lord has lost confidence in them (Conference of Churches and other faith bodies) and He is now using the police force to clean the church of imposters like Judas and Theu’das of our time (Acts 5:35-37).
Apostle Paul (a true apostle) told Timothy that in the last days there will come time of stress; “For men will be lovers of self , lovers of money—treacherous—lovers of pleasure—and having a form of Godliness but denying its power” (2 Timothy 3:1-5).

These men who seem to have run out of ideas on how to earn a decent living—or they are just lazy—have now resorted to distorting the truth of the gospel by faking miracles in order to draw large crowds, which were once convinced that the miracles are real they start throwing money hoping that they are giving to God when in fact they are supporting criminals.

These are the people Apostle Paul was talking about to Timothy. They are doing this because they are lovers of money and are being treacherous. The Lord Jesus Christ said that the love of money is the root of all evil—1Timothy 6:10, Hebrews 13:5. Should they be convicted or not, they should know that loving money too much can lead one to regrettable ends.
In my conclusion I want to urge Interpol to arrest them all before they do too much damage in the name of Christianity and hopefully the faith will be cleansed.

This country and of course many other countries are experiencing serial murders now and again where body parts are mutilated for unknown reasons, but the common belief is that of using the body parts to make strong concoctions which are used in winning cases or making business successful as it is the case in Tanzania and Burundi where Albinos are killed for their body parts which witchdoctors use to make concoction that is said to make businesses grow faster.

Why shouldn’t we believe that these lovers-of-money-pastors who are not ashamed to bribe a whole able bodied person to pretend to be paralyzed and pray for him to stand up as if he is healed in order to deceive other people into believing it is a genuine miracle and in the process induce people into throwing money to them like they did to Jesus and the true apostles that these pretending pastors are not also part of the squad that kill people for body parts which are sold to the highest bidder.

The Bible says a person who is not trustworthy on small things is not trustworthy even in big things. If they can fake miracles for money why won’t they kill a person for money? So let Interpol round them all up.

BB Nkosi
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